1. Definitions
In this disclaimer, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
- 'we': newphase bv, with registered office at Dries 23, 8510 Bellegem and registered in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number 0795.689.713, e-mail: mailto:info@newphase.be, www.newphase.be and derivatives, developed and managed by newphase and
- 'Visitor' means any natural person using the website.
2. Access to the website
Access to the information on the website is free of charge. Consultation or use of the website implies full knowledge and acceptance of the terms and conditions contained in this disclaimer. If the visitor continues to consult the website, it means that the visitor has expressly accepted the terms and conditions stated below and will strictly comply with them. We may change these terms and conditions at any time.
3. Information on the website
We manage the website and constantly update it to provide visitors with the latest information. Thus, we want to provide visitors with the best possible information through the website.
Should incorrect information be published on the website, we will make every effort to correct it as soon as the error is discovered. However, we are never liable for the accuracy or completeness of the information published on the website.
Merely consulting the website does not commit us to anything. A written confirmation from us will always be required for any service, request for information, etc.
The information published on the website is of a general and informative nature and is not published to meet an individual need. Nor is the information necessarily complete or up-to-date and does not include advice or professional recommendations.
The content of the website (including hyperlinks to other websites) may be adapted, modified or completed at any time without any notice or notification.
4. Hyperlinks
The creation of hyperlinks to the website must first be communicated to us. The hyperlink may only refer to the website, which is opened in a new tab of the web browser.
The website also contains hyperlinks to other websites of establishments that are either related to us or totally independent of us. Under no circumstances can we be held liable for the content or privacy policy of any website to which a hyperlink on the website refers.
The posting of hyperlinks to one or more other websites does not in any way imply an association, partnership or affiliation with the establishments operating these websites or an approval of the contents of these websites. The hyperlinks are provided solely for the information of the visitor. We do not control the content of other websites.
As soon as we have certain knowledge of any illegal content on a website to which a hyperlink on the website refers, or if the content does not correspond to our intended purpose, we will remove the hyperlink to this website. Under no circumstances can we be held liable for placing the hyperlink to the website in question.
5. Intellectual property rights
The website including texts, layout, graphic components, presentations, logos, software, databases, our company name and other components of this website are protected by intellectual property rights belonging to us. Visitors expressly undertake to fully respect our and/or third parties' intellectual property rights.
Any reproduction, dissemination, sale, distribution, publication, adaptation, translation, editing and use for commercial purposes of all or any part of this website, under any form and by any means, is prohibited except with prior and written permission from us.
In accordance with the provisions of the law of June 30, 1994 on copyright and related rights, the visitor may, without prior and written authorization from us, download and reproduce information from this website for strictly private use. We also authorize the visitor to copy, print and use information from the website for private purposes. In addition, the information may also be distributed and communicated within family circles free of charge.
We reserve the right to take any measures we deem effective to prevent and/or put an end to the infringement of our intellectual property rights, without incurring any liability pursuant to such measures.
6. Liability
By visiting the website, the visitor waives any complaint against or recourse against us regarding the use of data and information made available on the website.
By visiting the website, the visitor agrees to assume all risks associated with the use of the website. Thus, the visitor himself bears the risk of damage to his computer, software or data when such damage is due to a virus allegedly transmitted or activated by the website. We cannot be held liable for this.
We also disclaim all liability in the event of inappropriate or fraudulent use of the data on the website.
7. Website security
To ensure the security of the website, we will take all necessary measures, such as security surveys, techniques of encryption, secure environments and all measures and procedures reasonable according to the state of the matter. Certain areas of the website are reserved and subject to access modalities. In the event of an attack on the website, computer crime or any other unauthorized attempt to gain access to part or all of the website, we will use all legal means at our disposal to protect the integrity of the website with the cooperation of the competent authorities.
8. Applicable law
Since by visiting the website, the visitor expressly accepts this disclaimer and the terms and conditions contained herein, the visitor agrees that any dispute or claim relating to the website or any information contained herein shall be governed by Belgian law and falls within the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the judicial district of West Flanders, Kortrijk Division.